Keci Monique Reynolds

Keci Monique Reynolds
Business Name :
-The Pink Zeebra (Custom Tees and Housewares ) Princess Diamond Posh Weddings & Events (Wedding & Event planning services)
Location :
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Tell us a brief description of WHO you are?
I am an entrepreneurial spirited woman who believes in getting the job done with excellence and perseverance. I’m 47, married, mother of four and grandmother of four. I started these two companies to build a legacy and leave an inheritance for my children’s children (Proverbs 13:22).
What does "SheHustles" mean to you?
She Hustles is a way for professional entrepreneurs and business women to network and build business relationships with other like minded business women.
It’s a way to encourage one another, push one another to achieve their goals as well partner with one another.
What has been the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
The hardest part of being an entrepreneur is finding the strength to persevere in times when business is slow or when there’s a lack of support.
Why did you decide to start your own business?
I decided to start my own business when I was a teenager. I learned to braid abd weave hair because I had to feed myself. I come from a disadvantaged background where my mother was on drugs and my father was ambivalent. Selling drugs and selling my body wasn’t an option. I didn’t have my formal high school education nor any work experience. I did hair for approximately 30 years before moving on to another type of business.
What are 3 things about entrepreneurship that you've experienced that no ever one told you about?
1. Do not rely on family and friends for support
2. There are no friends when it comes to making money
3. Payments are due upon ordering
Where do you see our business in 5 years?
In five years I plan to have a full staff with full service on demand equipment to design shirts, bags, comforters, pillows, dishes and more. This will be able to work well for both businesses.
How do you overcome rejection?
I have learned that rejection is usually someone else’s proclivities that are projected on you. I simply do not adopt it and try to find the silver lining in the cloud.
How do you stay motivated and what keeps you going?
I love my craft. I am passionate about my craft. I dream about my craft whether I’m awake or asleep. I imagine my designs in my mind and I work in them until they manifest.
What is the key thing that you want people to know about you?
I want people to know that I am a woman of integrity. It means the world to me too see my clients happy and satisfied. Customer service is everything when you put your customer’s needs as a priority.
What are 3 core advice principles you would give women wanting to start their own business?
1. Stay true to your game and craft
2. Don’t settle or compromise yourself for someone else’s benefits with your business
3. Always make sure that you get paid
Name top 3 business books that you have read.
1. Abundance Now
2. No Matter What
3. The Secret
What does "SUCCESS' mean to you?
Success means to me that I’m accomplishing my goals, whether large or small. It doesn’t stop at financial achievements or public associations, but gaining a true meaning of how your craft works for you and how to employ it so that you’re an achiever every time.
What type of impact has marketing/branding have had in your business?
The impact of marketing and branding has been quite expensive for my business. Therefore, word of mouth or social media outlets have been the best in gaining recognition of my products and services offered.


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